Shirui Hill Ukhrul

Shirui Lily is the Sate flower of Manipur. And it is grown only in Shiri Hill Ukhrul  in Manipur.

The most famous peak is Shirui Kashung Peak - 2835 m from sea level. Most of the major rivers flow from the cracks and crevices of the Shirui Peak. Shirui is 18 kilometers from Ukhrul Town and 97 kilometers from Imphal. It is home to the world-famous Shirui (Siroy) (Lilium Mackliniae) .The name Shirui Lily comes from the British botanist F. Kingdom Ward which in 1948 discovered a variation of this lily flower. The place name of this history is Kashong Timrawon. According to local legends Kashong Timrawon also has a protective atmosphere living in Shirui Peak. Every year thousands of Scientists and Visitors from all over the world come to see this precious flower. Shirui lily-looking flower blooms on a hill in May - June.


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